Payday Reform News: July 29-August 5

Highlight of the week: August 4, Wisconsin Public Radio: Rally Against Payday Loan And Vehicle-title Lenders More than 100 activists from across the nation rallied at a Milwaukee payday loan storefront earlier this week demanding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau properly regulate payday and car-title lenders with high interest loans. Partner Blogs and Statements: August 4, National Council of La …

Payday Reform News: Week of May 31

May 27, 2016 Kansas City Star Hopes soar on effort against payday loans Other Top Stories: May 31, 2016 Columbia Missourian CARL KENNEY: It’s time to stop financial predators from gouging the vulnerable Payday lenders are gangsters protected by our state government. They wreak havoc on families who make the decision to pay high interest rates because they have few …

Payday News, week of May 20, 2016

May 18, 2016 The Wall Street Journal CFPB to Propose Payday-Loan Rule on June 2 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau set June 2 as the day it will propose a long-awaited rule to curb payday lending, moving a step closer to implementing the first federal regulation for an industry now overseen by states. More Coverage: The Kansas City Star | …

Payday News, week of April 22, 2016

Partner blogs, posts & press releases: April 20, 2016 Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) New CFPB Report Details Financial Harms Caused by Payday Lending Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a new report that proves how high-cost fees on small-dollar loan create rather than resolve financial challenges for borrowers. April 20, 2016 Consumer Federation of America (CFA) CFPB …

Payday News, week of April 1, 2016

Partner blogs, posts & press releases: March 29, 2016 Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Letter to Rep. Wasserman Schultz on the “Consumer Protection and Choice Act” “H.R. 4018 would impose a two-year moratorium on any rulemaking by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that would regulate “deferred presentment transactions” – better known as, but not limited to, so-called …

Payday News, week of March 25, 2016

March 24, 2016 Tampa Bay Times Florida’s payday lender law is no model, report concludes Florida regulations of payday lenders defended by Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz,Patrick Murphy and others have cost poor Floridians more than $2.5 billion in fees over the last decade, according to a new study. For more coverage: MarketPlace | Are payday loans hurting minorities? Reprints: Nashville …