Payday Loan Reform News – October 2

Highlight: Guest opinion: Montana's payday lending law at risk in Congress September 29, Billings Gazette Payday loans continue to ensnare their communities in cycles of debt with false promises of fast cash. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has been reining in these loans when they break the law and is planning to release further protections for borrowers of these loans, …

Payday Reform News February 17

Highlight Local advocates continue to push back against state level efforts to allow predatory lending, while linking their state legislative work to the need to defend consumers and the CFPB at the national level: February 10, New York Daily News: Cage the sharks circling consumers Andy Morrison of the New Economy Project defends the CFPB and warns against a bill introduced …

28 Senators call for CFPB to strengthen payday lending rule

28 Senators, led by Senators Brown Coons, Durbin, and Merkley, signed onto a letter in support of a strong final CFPB small-dollar lending rule. The detailed letter is a powerful call to the CFPB to strengthen its final rule and ensure that we stop the debt trap. Read the full letter. “We believe that the CFPB’s efforts will help to …

Payday News, week of April 1, 2016

Partner blogs, posts & press releases: March 29, 2016 Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Letter to Rep. Wasserman Schultz on the “Consumer Protection and Choice Act” “H.R. 4018 would impose a two-year moratorium on any rulemaking by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that would regulate “deferred presentment transactions” – better known as, but not limited to, so-called …