AFR statement on CFPB online payday report

Some payday lenders do business through storefronts; others operate online. This new report puts one more nail in the coffin of the idea that either is a safe form of credit in the current regulatory environment. Previous research, including studies by the CFPB, showed that most payday loan customers end up in high-cost long-term debt, often paying more in fees …

The Pit of Despair in Atlanta, Georgia

It was perhaps an appropriately rainy day in Georgia as Rise Up Georgia and Jobs with Justice brought out the Pit of Despair in Atlanta, helping consumers visualize the debt trap that drowns so many payday bowers in debt. People lined up to fall into the pit and to tell the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to finally propose a rule …

Payday News, week of April 1, 2016

Partner blogs, posts & press releases: March 29, 2016 Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Letter to Rep. Wasserman Schultz on the “Consumer Protection and Choice Act” “H.R. 4018 would impose a two-year moratorium on any rulemaking by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that would regulate “deferred presentment transactions” – better known as, but not limited to, so-called …

Payday News, week of March 25, 2016

March 24, 2016 Tampa Bay Times Florida’s payday lender law is no model, report concludes Florida regulations of payday lenders defended by Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz,Patrick Murphy and others have cost poor Floridians more than $2.5 billion in fees over the last decade, according to a new study. For more coverage: MarketPlace | Are payday loans hurting minorities? Reprints: Nashville …

Arizona Payday Lenders Caught Fraudulently Getting Petition Signatures

As reported in The Arizona Republic: Heavy lobbying …And it follows on the heels of an aggressive campaign to open up Arizona to flexible-credit loans. Backers of the quick-loan industry, many of whom offer payday loans in other states, hired Axiom, a lobbying and consulting firm with ties to Ducey, to shepherd the bill through the Legislature. Industry representatives have …

Payday News, week of March 18, 2016

Highlights: March 18, 2016 US News (Gynnie Robnett and Gabriel Hopkins) The Death Trap of Debt-Trap Lending Race car driver Scott Tucker is facing consequences for his payday loan scam, but too many debt-trap lenders aren’t. March 15, 2016 Eurweb Consumer Protection and Choice Act: Friend or Foe? Americans for Financial Reform, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization determined that since …