Mile High Money: Payday Stores Target Colorado Communities of Color

The Center for Responsible Lending’s (CRL) latest report on the long‐term cycle of debt of payday lending focuses on the costs to consumers on Colorado. Read the entire report at Highlights include: Majority‐minority areas in Colorado (over 50% African‐American and Latino) are nearly twice as likely to have a payday store than all other areas, and 7 times more …

Congress Attacks Consumer Bureau With Wrong CHOICE Act, But Consumers Fight Back

Communities across the country have been fighting for years against the impact of payday lending, urging their state officials to stop the debt trap in its tracks. On the federal front, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has clamped down on payday lenders who have broken state laws, resulting in relief for thousands of Americans who were stuck in a …

Payday Reform in the News March 17

Highlight They’re Back! Loan Sharks Circling Again March 15, Arkansas Online Strong editorial backing lawmakers in their work to keep CashMax from getting borrowers caught up in “involuntary servitude.”   Top Stories   Huge majority of Ohioans want payday lending reform – now legislature must act: Brent Larkin March 16, A new poll commissioned by The Pew Charitable Trusts …

Payday Reform in the News March 10

Highlight Linda Frame: WV sees through financial lobbyists; Manchin should too (Gazette)  March 9, Charleston Gazette-Mail (WV) A project manager at WV Center on Budget and Policy asks Senator Manchin not to listen to lobbyists who want to weaken the CFPB. Top Stories House panel endorses storefront loan reforms March 10, Albuquerque Journal Legislation has been introduced in New Mexico …

Payday Reform in the News March 6

Highlight     Lawmakers want to gut a consumer watchdog February 26, St. Louis Post Dispatch The St. Louis Post Dispatch published a popular defense of the CFPB thanks to editorial board memos that went around, and their editorial was picked up by newspapers in other states as well: Reposted: Myrtle Beach Sun News (SC) Daily Camera (CO)   Top Payday Stories …

Payday Reform News February 17

Highlight Local advocates continue to push back against state level efforts to allow predatory lending, while linking their state legislative work to the need to defend consumers and the CFPB at the national level: February 10, New York Daily News: Cage the sharks circling consumers Andy Morrison of the New Economy Project defends the CFPB and warns against a bill introduced …

Rural voters support the CFPB by a margin of 4 to 1

See the poll results here. Here’s something rural Americans and urban Americans have in common: a high regard for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the work it’s doing to protect consumers against deceptive, unfair, and abusive lending and debt collection practices. Most voters in rural parts of the country believe that the financial industry is still too powerful and …

Payday Reform News February 13

Highlight February 9, Bezinga: 'Know Before You Owe' Prepaid Card User Protections At Risk From New Senate Bill Article calls out a congressional effort to roll back the CFPB’s new protections on kinds of  prepaid cards that function as payday loans, with hidden fees that make them not really prepaid. More Coverage: Vanity Fair: Republican Effort to Screw Consumers Hits a Speed Bump …

Consumers Respond to Congressional Attack on CFPB Prepaid Card Rule

“We urge Georgia’s senators to side with Georgia veterans, seniors and struggling families and not with a company that takes overdraft fees out of the pockets of these and other Georgians,” said Liz Coyle, Georgia Watch’s executive director. “Members of Congress that allow predatory financial practices and thwart the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s important work on behalf of the public …