New Poll: Ohio voters loathe payday lenders

A poll of Ohio voters released last week confirmed what we already knew: people really don’t like payday lenders, and really want regulation to protect themselves from the debt trap.

See the full poll data here
And read the COHHIO summary of the poll here

The Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO) the poll, finding that 70% of Ohio voters support the proposed CFPB rule on payday lending. Further, the poll finds that 58% of Ohio voters have unfavorable views toward payday lenders, while only 1% hold favorable views of them.


Advocates from Central Christian Church, the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, Policy Matters Ohio, and ProgressOhio joined the chorus of voices calling on the CFPB to to put forward the strongest possible rule to regulate payday lenders, and to close a number of key loopholes in a the proposed rule put out in June.

This poll reveals strong public support for the groups’ position. But, the CFPB needs to hear from the public directly.

Tell the CFPB that you aren’t content with a rule that gives predatory lenders loopholes to continue to exploit our communities

Read More: Consumer advocates, faith leaders welcome federal payday lending rule